
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Crying over spilt milk...and medicine.

A couple more fun filled sick days around here. Now Xander is fighting a little relapse, he has had a couple fevers around 102 and has started throwing up...poor guy. Jason took him to the Doc today, we are not call or run to the Doctor all the time people so the last week or two we have been at the Doctors more than we have been over the last two years LOL. At his appt. today the Doctor said the throwing up is probably from him coughing so much and so hard, which may now be bronchitis, so they put him on a med for that...which he promptly threw up his first dose. Jericho hasn't had any more fevers of 100 or more, until tonight, and he has become a big up chucker I feel like I am getting spewed on every time I turn around Hahaha. The girls are doing a bit better, thank goodness 2 sick at a time is enough, they are still coughing and very whiny but so far no more fevers or any of that. Uncle Scott and Auntie Amber came over for dinner last night, the kiddos we a bit cranky and not their usual fun and entertaining selves but we all had a great time. I just want my healthy and happy kids back!

Pics from the last couple of days.

While waiting for "Uncle Skunk" to arrive Daddy played some window peek a boo.

Xan got his hair cut, he doesn't look thrilled does he LOL.

So happy to see their Uncle and Auntie.

Later they started feeling icky again. Jason picked up an ear thermometer, the kids did not like the under arm one anymore. This one is so fast they dont have a chance to get pissy.

Lily's turn.

Poor sick unhappy kids all wanted to sit with Dad :(

I love this shirt LOL.

Lil man.
Hayden giving kisses to her brother, he has really started looking at everyone now.

A pro I am not, but I wanted to get some feet n ring pics.

Hard to believe this is the same ring that looked like this on a 4 day old Lily.

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