
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Newborn nekkid pics are worth...

A golden shower...a least it wasn't worse LOL. We spent 2 fun hours getting Jericho's newborn photos taken today. I got peed on in the process, little man did really great and I think the pictures are going to be awesome. The only bad part about having pro pics done is the wait to see them, it is so hard!

Thankfully Auntie Allie and Miss Rowan flew in today for a long weekend visit, they came over for dinner and a nice long visit, so I had distraction for today. Uncle Scott came by too, bummer Auntie Amber had to work. Scott is so funny, such a great Uncle, he had the kids running around going nuts then he would pick them up and fly them this way and that. When his back couldn't take it anymore, even though the begging for "up, more zoom" and "my turn next" were hard to deny, he started playing horsey with everyone, crawling around on all fours and having a blast. I have a feeling they all are sleeping well tonight :)
Uncle Scott came over while Jason was at the airport picking up Allie and Rowan. He was really awesome and totally gave all his attention to the trio. Lily had a new best friend and wanted "Uncle Skunk" to do everything with cute.

Little man just chilling...his turn was coming as soon as Auntie Allie got there. lovin time!
The 4 kiddos are really great at playing with each other...almost zero arguments the whole time.

Pretty Miss Rowan :)
Time to play horsey.

I swear he looks older than 6 days in this pic...whoa.


  1. He's such a doll.

    And I want to add, I love seeing your house being a "real" house with kids. Toys in the living room, I get so frustrated by friends who don't allow a single toy in the living house is home to ALL of us.

  2. Thanks! I agree, and they trashed my house good yesterday LOL!!!
