
Saturday, January 15, 2011

What a night.

Xander's 1st nightmare...or something, led to a night of very very very little sleep for Mom and Dad. He started screaming bloody murder around 1:30am, we went to get him and he was shaking and really freaked out. Once we got him calmed down he was fine but wouldn't go near his room without getting all upset again. So we tried to bring him to bed with us, we don't ever do this or even allow them in our room so he was too excited to be in there to sleep. Jason ended up on the couch with him, after taping all the light switches in the off position LOL, they eventually fell asleep around 4:30am. We are both hoping we do not have a repeat performance tonight!

Around 6am I snuck out to the living room and snapped this pic. It was pitch black and I couldn't see them, just pointed the camera at the couch and snapped one, so it's not that great. The flash almost woke Xander up so I only took one.

Lily and her clothes, this is getting out of hand, but at least she is polite about it. When we try to dress her it's "no, thank you Momma/Daddy" to! It wouldn't be so bad letting her wear what she wants if she didn't want to wear just her TinkerBell PJ's...goodness.


  1. Hello hello..I am stalking you from multiple mamas proboard...I am new so I am trying to get to know everyone...Beautiful kids and great blog. I am a follower

    Heather Mott

  2. Hi Heather, thanks so much for visiting my blog!!
