
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Back to the gym.

The day started early today...I have been up since 6am...yuck. I had an appointment with the surgeon who removed my appendix this morning, he took my stitch out and said it's looking good, I have to go back in 3 weeks. Funny guy...asked if there was anything else he could remove for me.
Next we took the trio to their Little Gym class, it feels like it's been forever since we made it to class. The trio were all over the place and climbing all the equipment like pros, Jericho and I participated more today too!
Then we hit up a Mc D's because we had time to kill and the trio had energy still to burn. After that they took a 3 hour nap LOL, but were ready for more fun when Nanny Tabitha got here...they really dig her :)

Yes they gave a bunch of 2 year olds sticks to play with...surprisingly no one was hurt.
Ring fun...Xander does these the best, he lifts his legs up and fully swings.
Me and Jericho helped Hayden over the balance beam.

Hayden enjoying her dippy Hahaha.
I am so glad my kids still like water.


  1. Look at Miss Hayden on the beam! It was partly all the photos of your trio having such a blast that made me sign up! I'm so glad we did! What a great place! Ryan came with us this week and was in awe of the guy running the class and the amount of energy he had! lol

  2. Just wanted to add that you also inspired me to look for fun things in my area to do with my daughter. I love reading (stalking) your blog. I am hoping to start the crafts with my daughter looks like your kidos have such a great time. Not sure when you find the time but sincerely thank you. I just love it.

  3. Thanks so much! I am so glad you guys are taking away something fun for your families!!!
