
Monday, February 14, 2011

I'm so spoiled!

Today was a good day :) The girls woke up yelling Happy Valentine's Day over and over, and giving hugs and kisses away like, well, candy. I got cards and chocolate and gifts from Jason...and the kids too. I even managed to get a card for Jason this year LOL. Lily fell in love with my bear so it is now in with the trio's stufties...after Jericho got a little photo op with him. Jason gave me a new bracelet and some earrings. The bracelet is Jericho's birthstone, it also happens to have 4 stones and he is our 4th baby, kinda neat.
Then we took the kiddos to the pet store for the first time, they had a lot of fun looking at the critters. They seemed to be the most interested in the guinea pigs and the bunnies. We have needed to restock our fish tank for oh about 3 years now so we got that project under way at the same time. All in all a good day :)
Last night I put some of the trio's Valentine's crafts up, this lead to more "Happy Valentine's Day" wishes this morning.
Having some fun with Tabitha or "anny" as they call her...for some reason the 'N' gets left out.
They were in such great moods today, love that!
They helped Dad pass out some of my goodies.
Lily and Jericho both loved my bear. We got a couple more smiles out of the little man.

A card from the kids :)
My husband rocks!
A little later Jason and the girls had fun making Jericho burp blankets into do-rags.

Fun at the pet store!

One of their faves...may end up a first pet for them in a couple years.

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