
Friday, March 4, 2011

Just Dance Kids!

Well, while it remains to be seen if it is going to be a hit with the trio it did get Jason and I dancing for about 30 min tonight LOL. We have had the Wii for probably close to 2 years now and almost never play with it, I think the last time we had it on was a year ago. A fellow mom mentioned how much her kids loved dancing to this game so I thought my little dancers would love it too. Unfortunately we brought a wooden block choo choo out of storage at the same time and for some crazy reason that was more interesting than dancing with the kids on TV...who would of thunk it. We have cut down the kids TV time to just an hour a day...some days none at all, so I am not too broken up that it wasn't a hit tonight. I am sure we will have lots of fun with it in the years to come.

Xander did join in for a little bit on one song, and Jason was working up a wee sweat...he is a big kid I tell ya :)
Taking a break from the train to see just what their funny Daddy is up to.
Xander couldn't resist, he joined Jason and danced to 'The Ants Go Marching' :)

Silly boys <3

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