
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Time for flowers

We had a break from the rain today so we decided to plant all the bulbs Lily and I picked out a week ago. We live on a busy street, which I hate, it makes doing things in the front yard hard. So I wouldn't have a heart attack we lined our cars up along the sidewalk as a sort of last line. We also asked Grandma to come plant with us, this way we had 1 adult per darting toddler. We got everything in the ground...some dirt even managed to stay where it was supposed to, and my kids had a great time. I know this because of the giant meltdowns they had when it was time to go inside. We now measure how much fun something was by the size of the tantrum that follows...can't wait for this to pass LOL.

Here is what we planted, as I have mentioned before we do not have a green thumb among us so we shall see just what grows.
So much fun digging in the dirt and handing us bulbs. They got a little carried away with the bulbs LOL we were finding them laying all over the flower beds. The Daffodils just showed up a couple years ago...I think the neighbor lady got too any so came over and planted them in our empty flower beds. They have been blooming every year, so she did a good job.
Jericho enjoyed a little fresh air too.
Hayden still in meltdown mode. Grandma brought some dried pineapple which was a hit, then she helped them plant pretend flowers which helped get them the rest of the way over it.

Earlier today Jason and Hayden went to pick up my new computer, YAY, I had had it with my old one. We try to do trips with one child at a time when we can. The one going loves this special time, the two that stay home...not so much. It was cute when Hayden got home she yelled I'm home, I'm home. Lily ran to give her a hug saying Hayden Hayden...sadly Hayden was not in a hugging mood so Lily got denied but it was still sweet.
My new laptop!

Lily wanted to put a dress and sweater on over her PJ's...silly girl. Bummed that Hayden won't give her a hug :(

She looked so cute, one of the few times she asked to wear a dress.

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