
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The bump heard round the gym

We decided to pack today so full of fun there was no time for the trio to nap. They are SO not ready to give up naps...coo coo! First Xander had his EI session, then we hit up the zoo for about 4 hours, then it was time for their Little Gym class. The EI session went great, he is really improving and doing really well! Once Linda left we packed a lunch and met Grandma at the zoo. The kids did so great, right up until it was time to leave...then we got our first look at the no nap cranksters. They all passed out for about 20min on the ride home. We chilled at home for an hour or two then headed out to the gym. Everyone did really well, no breakdowns or problems at all....unless you count Xander getting a big ol goose egg on his grape. We aren't even sure what happened but he crashed into a door frame, a really ugly thump was heard by all, then he was crying and a knot popped up instantly. Poor boy. We headed home got a little dinner in them and got them in bed...with minimal crying. I hope they sleep well tonight...we all need it LOL.

Pics from today...

Dang they are big bears!

I think I got the Sun Bear...I'd whoop a Sun Bears ass LOL

Fun with some Lions.

Lunch time!

Our Monkey's did a little tree climbing.

Jericho was riding facing out but he got tired so we switched him around and he took a little nap.

This monkey was saying hi to the trio.

Lots of walking today, we ended up relaxing the hand holding rule as long as they didn't run off. They did pretty good...until about the last half hour or so, we were pretty happu over all though.

We took a train ride, we haven't been on it since we did the zoo lights a couple Christmas's ago. The kids loved riding the choo choo!

And a couple pics of Xander's war wound...owie :(

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