
Friday, April 29, 2011

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood

We had to make the drive out to McMinnville again today, they got the other pink jeep in, yay we don't have to have 3 green ones after all. We stopped by a McD's for a quick lunch on our way out. The trio got about 45min it the play area...this one was really nice, and cleaner than any we have ever been to. After we picked up the jeep we went to the park we stopped by the last time. We hung out for about an hour, and then loaded 3 po'd toddlers into the car. We decided to stop at DQ and got everyone a small little kiddie cone, surprisingly they made very little mess.

My little hunters, they treed a squirrel LOL

They were picking all the pretty "flowers"

Hayden's bouquet of weeds LOL

Jericho was working on his sitting...or extreme leaning LOL.

What is it with this park and Xande's pants, again he had to ride home in his diaper.

At least this time he was eating ice cream and not his toes hahaha.

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