
Saturday, April 9, 2011

Tea parties and tattoo's

We had a fun, and slightly painful, day today. The day started off with Grandma and I taking the girls to their first tea party. The theme was a 'Fairy Tea Party' so I just couldn't pass it up. They had some really great fairy crafts and snacks and a little dress up then a lady from the library came by to read a book. The girls were pretty into it, though Lily got a little impatient for the snacks LOL. The fun lasted about an hour, but my stupid camera died about 30 min in...I am so bummed. Getting dressed up.

Craft #1 fairy masks decorated with paint and glitter.

Craft #2 decorating some clay pots for the garden fairies.

The last craft was fairy wands. They were mini pretzels dipped in frosting and then sprinkles. This was by far the fave craft LOL.

They had colored milk and tea, Hayden picked pink milk and Lily picked blue was a fun clean up. They got some Tinkerbell goodies to take home with them and they even brought a couple things home to Xander. He stayed home with Daddy, they did some fun boy taking out the trash after their long walk around the neighborhood.

When we got home Grandma and Pop Pop Randy stayed with the trio while Jason and I...and Jericho, went to get some new ink! Jason got Jericho's footprint and sign. I put getting Jericho's sign on hold until after I (hopefully) get a tummy tuck, I want it on my side which would probably get ruined in my TT. So I went ahead with another one I have been thinking about for a couple of years.

Don't cry babe!

There was a 6mo old for Jericho to play with.

Step 1 done, got probably 2 more sessions planned to get it all colored up.

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