
Thursday, May 12, 2011

4 under 3...not for much longer.

I can't believe the triplets will be 3 years old in just two short months! Which also means Jericho will be 6 months...yikes, slow down y'all! Makes me wonder when we are going to bite the bullet and move them out of their cribs and into big kid beds. On one hand I am itching to do it so we can get the 'boy room' and 'girl room' thing going...I am dying to decorate the girls room with all the Tinkerbell stuff we can find, they are going to love it so much. On the other hand I am so scared we will lose our good sleepers...and nappers. We will probably wait another 6 months...maybe. We also need to start looking seriously into the preschool stuff...I think a couple half days a week in a more structured setting would be so great for them. This all makes me want to cry, my tiny little babies are growing up.

Lily was extra lovey with her baby brother today :)

Jericho doesn't get much floor time yet, but he has started rolling! He was showing off some today.

4 1/2 months out and I still have about 12lbs to lose, but I am starting to get my body back!
We are still going strong with breastfeeding too...I wonder if I will make my 1 year goal. I thought these pics were sweet, look at your own risk a little boobage is showing and I have zero makeup on LOL.

Jericho and Momma getting silly :)

We had a 'Mom's night out' tonight with my triplet group so I got a little dolled up, went out had a drink and had a relaxing couple of hours. I am usually a red wine or mixed drink person but do I love a good Jack and Coke! Jericho and the trio stayed home with Dad...and they managed to not give him too much trouble.


  1. Our kids will be 3 in September and we have them enrolled in pre-school 2 days aweek for just 2 hours and as much as I don't want to admit that they are old enough for this, I think it will be good for them.

  2. Your children are beautiful. I found your blog from another blog I follow. I am now following your blog too. You see, I am an identical twin myself. My mother was told she could not conceive without having surgery so my parents chose not to prevent and they got pregnant right away with my brother who is 1 year and 2 weeks older than my sister and I. The doctor claimed the pregnancy was a fluke and would never happen again. They believed him. She found out she was pregnant again and thought that pregnancy was lost when she was 4 months along. The doctors told her “Oh you must have lost the twin. You’re still pregnant”. The day before we were born, the doctors took an x-ray to reassure my mother that she was just having one big baby. She was so hysterical (due to my brother’s age and knowing she would have two infants) she ended up going into labor and delivered us one month early. She didn’t believe the doctors any more. Triplets fascinate me since I should have been one so I will enjoy reading your posts. I hope you will follow me back

  3. Thanks Jill, I think you are will be good for mine too. Hopefully we can get them signed up.

    Hi Denise! Thanks for checking out my blog. Wow what a story. I am so happy your Mom didn't believe the Doctor's...they sure don't know everything ;)
