
Sunday, May 22, 2011

No naps and two parties makes

Xander, Hayden and Lily little beasts LOL. 1st of all YAY that the world didn't end :)
The kids had two birthday parties to go to today. First we headed over to our friend's Nick and Lisa's to join in the fun celebrating their little girl's 1st birthday. Miss Kenzie was adorable and such a sweetie. She was more than happy to share all her toys and crayons and even let the other kids help open her gifts LOL.

The birthday girl checking out Jericho.

Hayden loved her party hat :)

Xander too LOL

"Helping" Kenzie open her gifts.

Kenzie was nice enough to let the other kids test out some of her new stuff too. What a nice girl she is :)

Next up the trio's friend from The Little Gym, Bella, had her 3rd birthday party at TLG.
Everyone played some games and played on all the equipment for about an hour.

Jericho is big into standing these days.

Trying to get 15 kids in one photo was crazy.

Then it was cupcake and gift time. Bella's Momma Melanie did an amazing job decorating. She did a Monkey theme just like we plan to, I actually saw a lot of the same stuff we have bought for the trio's Bday. Though she went above and beyond what I can do :)

We had a fun fun day. The trio did really well up until about the last 15 min of Bella's party, then we started losing them. Jason was pretty beat too, he worked graveyard last night and instead of going to bed when he got home we went partying with the kids. He is such a great Dad!

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