
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Birthday cards for Daddy!

Here I was all stoked that I got Jason an Anniversary card and gift, and even got him a Father's Day card from the kiddos...go me. Good thing I didn't break a sweat patting myself on the back, since I totally forgot Jason's Bday is this Sunday, doh. Hey three things in one month, come on it's almost not even my fault I forgot, that's a little much for my newbie self. Seeing as I almost never leave the house alone I doubt I am going to have time to go buy him a card. So I helped the kids make cards for their Daddy today.

We didn't too anything too fancy. I just let them paint some paper, then we painted their hand for a handprint. Once that dried we did some glue and glitter to finish it up.

Hayden was so proud to be making a card for her Daddy. Now if they can all keep it quiet until Sunday :)

The girls did really great...Xander on the other hand seemed more interested in just making a mess. Boys!

Xander's handprint came out the best.

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