
Friday, June 3, 2011

In for a nice weekend!

It shaped up to be a nice day today, after naps I was starting to feel warm. Looked at the temp in the house and the thing said 81. That was it...time to go hang out in the backyard. Which we hope to get completed this weekend. I let the trio out first and while I was inside getting Jericho Xander was of course busy getting into trouble. I hear a hissing sound and come out to find Lily and Xander jumping in a little puddle that Xander made by turning on the water spicket.

Lily caught some air LOL.

My pretty princess <3 One of my favorite pics of her ever!

My boy Xan is big on getting in trouble but NOT big at all on bugs of any kind. He came running to me screaming snake snake. I followed him to find the fearsome snake to actually be a little worm. Remind me to not ask Xander to kill any spiders for me. Lily loved it, kept touching it and holding it, she even said it was a "cute little fella." Hayden poked it once with her finger, which surprised me, and was over it LOL.

Lots of dirt and rock fun.

Jericho loved getting a little Vitamin d too...look at those teeth in that big happy smile LOL.

Xander worked up a little red face and sweat out there. Hear he thinking on what to mess with next :)

Silly Lily.

No make up on and breast feeding jugs right in the mix, I so wouldn't post this except Lily wanted to take this pic and she looks so happy.

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