
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

8 months...and walking!*

Mr. Jericho Miles is 8 months old today...and trying to walk. Check him out...he is so amazing, and so very happy...just listen to him hehehe!

We did a little at home weigh in today...Xander is 39 1/2lbs, Hayden 37 1/2lbs, Lily 35lbs and Jericho is a whopping 19 1/2lbs. My beefy babies :)

What...everyone just sitting quietly, what is this?!

Oh, a new love affair with Alice In Wonderland.

Lily is saying how beautiful she is in her pretty dress, can always count on Lily for a kind word.

3 of the 4 were being cheese monkeys :)

Today's nap time was hit and miss. Lily went into the room about an hour early on her own and passed out for an hour. Xander passed out for a bit on the couch. And Hayden stayed up the whole time...I bet you can guess who was the most cranky tonight.

Night 3 in big kid beds went pretty good, we had a biting incident but other than that they settled down pretty well. Hayden was actually still in her bed when we went in to check on them tonight. But so many people loved the pic of Hayden half out of her bed last night that I went in search of a blast from the past pic. She has a history of passing out like this LOL.

In other news...I have just 1lb to lose until I am back to where I started with Jericho's pregnancy! I hope to lost another 10...we'll see. This pic for some reason makes me look thinner than I am, I like it LOL.

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