
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Test drove a new sitter!

Jason and I (and Jericho) got out of the house for a few hours today! The trio were very excited to meet, well re-meet, their "friend Kristin" today. It's been a year since the kids last saw her...she helped out at their 2 year old photo shoot. They took to her right away, my kids are friendly and pretty strong but they usually need some warm up time with new people...they just loved her instantly though. The girls were holding her hand and telling me this was "their Kristin" and "my friend Kristin" when I got back 3 hours later, Hayden even got sad when she went home LOL. So now Grandma has a little babysitting duty relief.

While the triplets were home playing, we went and had some yummy Thai food for lunch and then headed to 'Storables' to get a couple things so we can hopefully get their closet done this weekend. I had never been in there before, holy organizational orgasim...they have so many great things in there that could whip any house in shape. We will be back!

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