
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Boo Bash fun!

Some new friends invited us to a costume party tonight. I offered to bring these cute Halloweenie cupcakes that I saw on Pinterest. The kids helped a little, until they lost their damn minds because they couldn't eat any right then and there.

The owl cupcakes turned out pretty cute. Also finished a few more ghost jugs.

You need 2 Oreo's, 2 black Reese's Pieces and 1 orange per cupcake.

I never knew how much skill it actually takes to open an Oreo without messing up the filling LOL.

The kids had so much fun at the party, it was a packed house...lost of other families, toys, crafts, yummy food. It was a great time!

The only kid to get scared of anyone was Xander. This giant (notice the blocks on the feet) Frankenstein really freaked him out. He never actually cried, but he froze covered his mouth and wouldn't take his eyes off him. One time Xander saw him coming our way, he grabbed my hand and started backing up, at the last second Frankenstein went another way...Xander said "whew that was close" bwahahaha!

My crafty kids of course spent a lot of time at the craft table. Where they actully used their own glue bottles and safety scissors. I can think of two things they are now going to want to do themselves at home.

It was a fun couple of hours, but by the end the kids were ready to go home and get to bed. Especially Lily, she kept telling us she was ready to go home. That is so much nicer than the usual meltdowns when something fun ends.

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