
Saturday, October 1, 2011

It's my Birf Day!

Happy Birthday to me!!! 33 years YOUNG, though most days I don't feel, or look, it LOL.

The fun started bright and early, Jason had to go into the triplets room last night to check on a crying Xander...when he left he forgot to lock their door. So this morning the little trolls exited their room and started running around the house like they were breaking the law. Thankfully I was already up feeding Jericho and heard them outside my door. I come out of the room and they all freeze for a couple seconds, then Xander hauls ass down the hall back to their room, Hayden hits the deck and hides behind the couch and Lily says "but Momma it's your birthday" LMAO!!! It may not be breakfast in bed but to start the day out with laughter is pretty darn good :)

We had a small dinner at the house with some of my family. The kids were so happy to see Uncle Skunk, Auntie Amber, Auntie Tia and Cousin Brandon...holy cow they get so loud!

Jason helped them make me this surprise banner, all night they kept pointing out that they made the "beautiful present" for me hehehe.

A couple pics of the birthday girl.

My cake, a yummy Baskin Robbins ice cream cake. Devil's food cake bottom, with chocolate chip cookie dough top and some little mini cones for decoration Mmmm Mmmm good. And no, I did not share my mini cones hahaha!

Jericho had a great time, he was trying to be right in the middle of all the action.

I tried to get the big kids to take a picture with their went OK, just had to take about 20 pictures to get a decent one.
Hayden being silly.

Such a cutie.

Mr. Xan was being silly and would not sit still.

Sweet Lily Bug.

I got some great gifts, we had some yummy food and I drank a bottle of wine almost by myself.

We all did a couple "double bubble" shots with moonshine and sprite. Jason works with the guy who makes it, thankfully he does a good job LOL. It reminded everyone of Everclear, damn was it firery, and packed a pretty powerful punch.

Brandon and the triplets have fun playing together.

Uncle Scott and the Aunties joined in too.

Dinner time...Jason made my fave ribs, corn on the cob, a nice salad and of course rolls...for the munchkins who think that is a meal by itself.

Jericho got to enjoy his first corn on the cob :)

It was a great night...hope I have many more to come :)