
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Making dinner was never so fun!

I am the driving force behind most, if not all, of the crafty fun that we have around here. Well tonight Jason surprised me, and the triplets, with a grand idea of his own. Dinner was homemade personal pizzas!!! The kids had so much fun making their own dinners, I think we will be doing this again soon :)

The handful of ingredients.
Waiting for their pizza making supplies.

Dad demonstraiting how to roll out the Grands biscuits. 

The kids looked like they had done it before. Pros, just look at them!

Time for sauce, the trio seem to prefer white sauce over red.

Lots of cheese all over the place, quite a bit made it onto the pizza too.

Pepperoni time!

Finish it off with some pineapples Mmmm!

Off to the oven...the 15min wait was the hardest part :)

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