
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Off to Grandmothers house we go.

I just realized I should have given the Qtip skeletons a coat of glow in the dark paint...if they have such a thing. I think I will look for some. Out front window is looking pretty festive :)

The boys are really starting to get a brother bond thing going. We often catch them off playing side by side, it is so cute!

Big kids being silly.

The triplets have gone back to giving up naps more often than not. So we often find one or two of them passed out on the couch at some point mid day. Today during like the 3rd running of Kung Fu Panda, they have a new fave LOL, we noticed this. So sweet.

I don't think they have all passed out together like that since they were 5 months old...flashback :)

After their "nap" we headed to Grandma's for dinner. The kids love messing with Grandma's stuff, is so fun.

Jericho showing off a little of his new walking ability for Grandma.

Mmmm dinner!

Jericho enjoyed his first stuffed shells. He also demonstrated just how big of a ham he is for Grandma and Pop Pop Randy. I took out my camera to get this pic and they saw him totally cheese as soon as he saw it. I put the camera away and told them to watch he'll do it again. Sure enough I pull the camera back out and the cheese factory pumped out another cheesy smile LOL.

The kids had fun playing with Grandma's stash of toys.

My first new pair of skinny jeans in a looong time!

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