
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

We've gone batty!

More Halloween craft fun today...we sure are a crafty bunch aren't we? LOL.
I can't believe we are almost at our 1 year of crafting fun anniversary. The triplets have gotten really good with their painting and gluing...and dare I say it...the meltdowns when craft time is over have stopped! A run down of all of our different crafts can be found up in the crafts page at the top of the blog!

Over our year of doing crafts I have had a lot of people ask me where I get all my ideas, so I thought I would add a few of my favorite spots for crafts ideas.
-Pinterest has sucked me in...I check there daily and have many boards going!
-No Time For Flash Cards...excellent place to find craft and teaching ideas.
-Katie's Nesting Spot...A new find that I am loving.
-Learn Create Love...This is one of the first to get me hooked on crafts with the kids!

We are having so much fun doing all these crafts together, our windows get a little...umm decorated, but it is so festive :) Actually my only problem is throwing everything out when it's time to do new crafts. We haven't really kept any of the's kinda sad, but with so many kids doing so many crafts we would be buried. I do take pictures of every thing we do, guess that will have to be enough. What do you guys do with finished crafts, keep or toss?

A little blast from the past...the trio doing one of their first crafts, about a year ago. Gosh they have grown so much!

Today's fun...and there is another kiddo at the table LOL!

Handprint bats! Pretty hard to get perfect handprints when your kids have such ticklish hands hehehe.

Gluing on some googly eyes.

Trying to paint the inner perfectionist jumped out and had to help with this part.

All done, so cute. Jericho did one too, I thought tracing the triplets hands were hard ha.

We also did milk jug ghosts to put outside!

Need to add some more as we finish off more milk. This was about a week and a half worths of milk...dang we go through a lot! 
Just decorate with a marker, cut a hole in the back and use a string of clear Christmas lights, putting 4 or 5 lights in each jug.

See, like I said, very decorated and festive :)


  1. Awesome tips!! Thank you. I love the bats -- and I LOVE the blast from the past photo! :) They change SO fast.

  2. Katrina, I've been such a slacker this fall and need to get back on my crafting bandwagon! Good job! By the way, how did you get the subheadings (the ones under the photo of the kids)?

  3. Thanks Momma!
    I went to 'Design' in my blogger dashboard. Then 'Add gadgets' then 'Pages'. Once you make them you go into your 'Posting' area and you will see 'Edit pages' to work on them once they have been published. Hope that helps :)
