
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Jericho, Jericho, Jericho.

Day 22: I am thankful for happy beautiful children, and a fantastic photographer that captures them so well!

Jericho's pics turned out so fricking cute...OMG! Thanks Amanda, you rock as always! And yay Pinterest for some of these ideas.

Jericho did not want to sit still for long, kudos to Amanda for working fast :)

I had to throw this one in...we had a heck of a time keeping his hands off his junk LMAO! 

These were super cute.

Had to get creative with my leg placement to hide the junk grab hehehe.

Jericho loved this too.

A little Holiday fun :) Reminded me of this old one of him.

The bears got tossed overboard one by one :)

Anyone local with photo needs should give Visual Impressions a call, 503-320-3076, you won't be sorry!