
Sunday, November 20, 2011

More old pics on a cell phone.

Another day doing nothing but working on the spare bedroom. So I thought I would post some of the pics that were on my cell phone just before I got my new phone.

This one was funny. Xander loves to play with his Dad's belt, well on this day Jason couldn't find his belt in the morning before leaving for work so he had to go without it. Xander was last seen with it the night before. After breakfast Xander ran to where he must have stashed it and was waving it around happily. I had to take a pic and text it to Jason letting him know Xander found his belt.
Some outside fun.

Baby Jericho :)

One of my old fave's.

My sister and her boyfriend in their Halloween it!
Day 20: I am thankful for the did I ever live without the ability to fast forward through commercials?!?!

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