
Monday, November 28, 2011

Wow Lily, really?

Today was my first solo school drop off. It actually went better than I expected, for the most part. Xander, Jericho and even Hayden fully cooperated. Lily, not so much. She was fine until we walked in the school, then she started crying, hit the wall a couple times, and fell to the floor kicking and screaming. I honestly have never seen a full on arm and leg flailing tantrum from her like this. The teachers told me to just go, so I did. When I picked them up the teacher said she was fine after a couple minutes, and all 3 had a good day!

They came home with some crafts...pancakes :)

Day 28: I am thankful for all the crafty fun my kids inspire me to do, a small part of me can't believe I have become 'that' mom...but I love it!

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