
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Pillow fight!

We had a chill stay at home and do nothing kind of day, since our out of town guests left for home yesterday. After dinner the kids and Jason got in a pillow (and stuffed animal) fight. When it was clear that Xander was on his Dads side I had to join in and have my girls backs :) It was all fun and games, as they say, until someone...looking at you Xander, threw a not soft object and hit Hayden.

The trio had the lights turned off most of the time, thank goodness for my flash.
Pillow airborne.

I think I said something about my husbands crappy aim, so a teddy bear my way came :)

I returned fire, you can kind of see Free Willy flying into enemy territory.

Even little Jericho was trying to join in.

Lily was ruthless.

She kept saying "it's OK Momma I'll take care of them"

I tried to explain to both sides that Jericho was "France" and to let him be. Lily however saw him as a boy, so he must be on the boy team...and should there for be throttled.

We started to bring in some Christmas decorations after the kids went to bed. We didn't add Jericho's name to our giant family stocking last Christmas, since he wasn't here yet and we didn't want to jinx anything. He was officially added tonight :)

Now to find safe spots to display this stuff....yeah good luck with that.

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