
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

This can not become a habit.

Another school day today, drop off and pick up are totally smooth these days...not a tear in the house when we leave. Miss Hayden is not a morning person though, gee I wonder where she got that from (says the person who used to stay in bed until the very last second while making her little sister pick out her clothes for school that day LOL...sorry Al.) This was the look we got this morning when we made her get out of bed...such a cute little sour puss.

After we dropped the trio off Jason and I went on a 2 mile walk around the near by golf course. It was chilly but thankfully it didn't rain on us, and by the first 1/4 mile I was no longer cold. Jericho had every person who walked by smiling or laughing or talking to him :)

After school the kiddos didn't want to go home, neither did I honestly, so we headed to the little pizza joint with an indoor play area. Last week it was Chuck E. Cheese after school this week here...we can not let this become a habit. Everyone had a good time, even though some other kids came and with no parental supervision, kinda put a damper on the fun.

Jericho was a beast! He was climbing up on everything he possibly could and running all over the place :)

Such a big boy already!

We are so good now, we try mounting the horses while they are moving. Thank goodness they move slow enough that the kids won't get hurt. Add that to trying every death defying stunt the 7 and 8 year olds that were there kept daring each other to do and this Momma is getting more nervous about her future with boys. Silly boys!

Hi up there Lily!

See what I boys are trying to give me a heart attack LOL.

Thank goodness their sisters seem to try and keep an eye out for them <3

Jason, just one of the kids!

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