
Thursday, February 9, 2012

I have been deep deep undercover.

Things have been a bit interesting around here. After my last bammer jury duty experience, I wasn't as gung ho when I got another summons a couple weeks back. However, it did say this was for a "Special case"...whatever that means. So the day comes and after 4 hours of sitting in a room with about 200 other people I was told, along with 99 others, to come back another day and the selection process would continue. Hey at least this time I made it to the 'may get picked list'.  After spending about 6 hours on day 2 with 50 of those same people I found out I actually got picked! I was totally surprised....I can't get into details, or even read the paper, until this thing is over, about SIX WEEKS from now. I will be able to share all once it is over...stay tuned :)

One totally sucky thing is having to take the bus to court M-F for the next few weeks. I miss my car.

I could have gotten out of jury duty on a "hardship" pass but I really wanted to do this, hope I don't regret that. Grandma has stepped up to watch the kids while Jason is at work, totally awesome of her...and the kids LOVE it!
When I get home I get to hear all about their fun day with Grandma, and get to see the fun things they have plant some winter flowers.

Today they did some more fun Valentine's stuff with Great Aunt Julie!

I am so tired, I haven't kept these hours...heck I haven't even been out of the house this much...since the triplets were born. When I get home all I want to do is nap, not finish dinner, clean up, get the kids changed and ready for bed and then clean up some more. All you working Momma's have my admiration!


  1. I got on a 6-week case last month. Little did I know that I only got paid for 10 days of jury duty from work though.

    I was stressing for a week how I was going to do it and how I could work a few hours every day just to get paid.

    Then we went in on Monday morning, after waiting in the hall for 45 minutes for the judge, we were told that the case was settled out of court.

    I've been summoned to jury duty 5 times and this was the closest I've come to serving on a jury.

  2. Some of the other jurors found out the same time limit from their jobs. It is not cool, your work should have to cover how ever long you are stuck as a juror. Especially since once you are picked you can't back out.

    We are one week in so far, every time a "10 min." break runs long we all wonder if they are trying to work a deal...but some how I have the feeling this will be going all the way.
