
Thursday, February 16, 2012

No, and I'm serious!

Jericho is driving us crazy. He will not stop climbing up on stuff that a 13 month old has no business climbing up on...heck they aren't even supposed to be ABLE to right?! On top of climbing on the couch and throwing his legs over the back then scaling down to land on his feet, and climbing up on the play kitchen...which I showed you video of before, now he even gets up on top of the fridge of their kitchen and dances up there. This kid is trying to make me totally gray I am sure of it. Every time we say no and go get him he laughs at us and runs right back there and climbs up even faster, as if he is trying to beat his personal best LOL.

I am telling him no, he just smiles at me.

There he goes, such a monkey.
I couldn't wait for him to stand up and makes me too nervous. 
Got him down, and he ran right back with a big smile and lots of laughing.

Crown fun!

Even Jericho loved his :)

I see you little buddy!
The kids got their first little piggy banks. We need to go get them some nice ones one of these days, but these will do for now. Hayden is especially in love with them, she even gets the concept I think. She has earned coins for helping clean up toys...only a penny, hey come on child labor is supposed to be cheap right? :)

Funny Hayden story. So Lily is our movie and show quoter, but Hayden is our singer. Especially Adele's Rolling In The Deep....she LOVES that song. I was getting ready to go to court this morning, the kids were all still in their room. I was standing in the hallway outside their door when I hear Haddie ask "Do you guys want to hear my new song?" I didn't hear any yes's from Xander or Lily but Hayden goes on ahead. Next thing I hear is "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls of all ages this is my new song." She then proceeded to sing her fave song loud and proud LMAO!!! I was having a silent fit out in the was pure awesomeness :)

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