
Friday, April 13, 2012

The dog days, and apple pies!

Summer, is that you? Can't be for real...but we sure took advantage of another beautiful day!

Jericho getting a jump start on this tricycle thing, though he can't quite reach the pedals.  :)
The dogs came over to the fun side of the island to play with the kiddos. They have to come over one at a time or they get too crazy and start knocking everyone over. Big brutes :)

Big loves is more like out for that Pit Bull, he is a sloppy kisser <3
Jericho tried out the bigger slide...he is a pro now.

Gangster was ready to catch him anyway.

Hugs from the girls :)
Sakari's turn, the big kids did not like leaving one out.

First Stone sighting of the Summer, here we go again :)
Lily filling me in on the new toys Stone was showing them.

More love for Sakari.

G getting a second turn. Watching over little man. He also took some pretty strong pats LOL

Such a good friend.
And so sweet.

I wish these dogs didn't fall into the wrong hands, they are so much better than they are given credit for.

Hayden and I made a quick and easy dessert for after dinner. Personal Apple Pies!
You need:
2-3 small-med apples (peeled and sliced.)
1 thing of Crescent rolls.
3 tbsp of melted butter.
Cinnamon and sugar.

Layout the 8 crescent rolls, coat both sides in the melted butter.
Cover both sides with the cinnamon and sugar mixture.
Put 3 apple slices in each and roll them up. To cook I layered a cookie sheet with foil then sprayed it with Pam. Baked them at 400 for 9 min. Served them warm with a little scoop of ice cream, delicioso!!!

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