
Sunday, April 22, 2012

Picnic in the park.

It hit 80 today! Woohoo, we got out to soak it up, rain expected back later this week...of course. We packed up and had a picnic dinner at the park.

Xander, and Jericho, had a hard time eating before playing...Xander tends to shove all his food in his mouth, scares me to death, when he is in a hurry.

Much to the dismay of their Dad, my kids love tomatoes!
A picnic is not a picnic without cheesy poofs :)

Took a break from dinner for some play time. Where to first, the swings!

My 4 hogging all the swings!

Hi ya LilyBug :)

My big boy, he is really looking like he is so much older than ALMOST 4!

He gets so red when it is warm and sunny and he is running around like mad. We covered everyone in sunscreen, but he looks crisp doesn't he LOL.

Mmmm watermelon time!

Another picnic must, the 4 of them demolished a quarter of a melon.

Before we left one of the other families there brought out their RC plane. It was fast, loud, and could do all kinds of flips and rolls it was awesome. The kids were so in love they asked us the whole way home if we could get one LOL.

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