
Sunday, April 8, 2012

That bunny may be OK after all.

I really notice the difference in the triplets maturity at holidays. A year ago they were just figuring out finding the eggs was a good thing, the year before that they didn't care at all. This year they were all over hunting for eggs and comparing who had the most LOL. Such big kids!

A few pics from last night, they were helping us dye the eggs.
We gave the whisk's a try...worked really well, no one spilled!
The waiting is so hard hehehe.
The eggs turned out pretty cool this year. We tried some new ideas, thanks to....Pinterest, you all knew I was going to say that didn't ya :)
These are the "marbled" ones, you make the dye with vineagar instead of water and add 1 tbsp of vegatable oil then drop the egg in. When you pull it out the oil makes little patterns. They didn't turn out as cool as I hoped, will have to try it again next year.
We did a couple rubberband ones. You make the dye like the box says (we always use vinegar...otherwise the colors are not bright at all) drop the egg in one color until the shade you want. Then pull it out and let it dry. Then wrap it a few times in a rubberband and drop it in a different color.
I thought these ones turned out the best. drop the egg in a color of your choice and while it is sitting there tear up a bunch of different colored tissue paper, 1-1 1/2" pieces. Pull the egg out of the water and start putting the tissue paper pieces all over it, if the egg starts to dry and the paper won't stick just keep wetting it and pressing the paper on. Once you have the egg covered how you like drop it in another color for a couple min. When you pull it out the paper will fall off but the color stays. 
These ones I used some of the kids paint and a toothpick to add some decoration to the more plain eggs.
After the kids went to bed we got their baskets put together. I have a new fondness for the Dollar Store. I got enough stuff for 4 kids to have pretty cool fun filled baskets for $40. Not too bad. And you know what, I don't even really mind that their stuff is usually cheap and breaks quickly. Less toys that will reside at my house for years and years! If they are broken I don't feel bad at all tossing them LOL. This one was funny though, these little dolls each came in little boxes, the funny part was they each had little plastic bags over their heads LOL. Aren't we supposed to teach our kids to NOT put plastic bags over their heads???
Some of the basket stuffers, I had so much fun shopping for this stuff :)
A new fave show around here is Doc. McStuffins, the trio love the Ben and Anna episode with the "huggy monkeys" I knew these huggy monkeys were going to be a huge hit :)

I couldn't resist the bunny ears...or the fairy wings!

I got the girls some little doll furniture for their new little house. The boys got some new cars and Dinosaurs.

Not too shabby for $40!

Bright and early this morning Jason and I headed out to the back yard to hide the eggs.

The kids were excited but we had breakfast ready as soon as they got up so we got them to eat something before the fun began. This was another great, do I have to say it...Pinterest recipie.
Baked French Toast, that you make the night before and cook the morning of!

What you need:
1/2 cup melted butter (1 stick)
1 cup brown sugar
1 loaf Texas toast
4 eggs
1 1/2 cup milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
Powdered sugar for sprinkling

1. Melt butter in microwave & add brown sugar....stir till mixed.
2. Pour butter/sugar mix into bottom of 9 x 13 pan....spread around
3. Beat eggs, milk, & vanilla
4. Lay single layer of Texas Toast in pan (next time we make this we will cut off the crusts first)
5. Spoon 1/2 of egg mixture on bread layer
6. Add 2nd layer of Texas Toast
7. Spoon on remaining egg mixture
8. Cover & chill in fridge overnight
9. Bake at 350 for 45 minutes
10. Sprinkle with powdered sugar
It doesn't really need syrup, and we served it upside down, so all the yummy butter and sugar was on top.

It was really good, Jason was worried it would be soggy or something but it wasn't...we will be doing this again!

Hunting time! Jericho wasn't too interested, but the big kids were mad dashing all over the place :)

It ended up being another beautiful day!

Silly boy, you are supposed to find the eggs...not dance on the table.

Cheese...look at all our eggs!

When they came back inside, their baskets were waiting for them :)
Everyone but Xander tried out their bunny ears...but they weren't a lasting hit.

Jericho trying to Hula that hoop LOL.
Hayden took immediately to the baseball. I totally forgot a T, so Jason was holding the ball for her, she has amazing aim...never missed, and never hit Jason's hand either. He was super impressed :)

The boys, of course, went right to playing swords with their water toys.
They wanted to try their new puzzles right away too, we are already missing a couple pieces LOL.

After lunch we headed over to families for some more Easter fun and egg hunting. They played hard for a couple hours...I needed a nap just watching them hahaha.

Everyone loved the big horsey!

Hayden got a few little lessons on a big girl bike...the training wheels didn't keep her from taking a couple spills. She kept getting right back on though!

Jericho insists on being a trick rider...he must get on everything backwards.

Little motorcycle man...this is as close to riding one he will ever get LOL.
We had a great day! Hope everyone had a fun and safe Easter. Watch those plastic eggs, when they are broken in half one side is a very real choking hazard, have had some friends who had close calls with their little ones.

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