
Sunday, May 6, 2012

Bend day 2.

More fun today, everyone slept well...even if they got up earlier than usual. It was another beautiful day, but it took a bit to get there. First thing this morning the kids wanted to go outside.

This is Jericho looking upset because I was trying to talk him out of going outside until it warmed up a little. I did not win.
The trio, with Lily leading the way, picked up almost every single stick in the yard. Then they set up a "camp site" and the sticks were turned into hotdogs and marshmallow's LOL 
Jericho and Oakley :)
Some pics with Momma <3 Sweet Haddie <3
<3 LilyBug <3

<3 Xan man <3
Sisters :) It was a short but super fun trip. Just as we were packing up to leave Auntie Stacie went out and planted some flower seeds with Hayden. She has been talking about these flowers nonstop...I hope for all of our sakes they have grown by the time we head back there in a few weeks LOL 
They were kind of cranky and tired on the drive home so we let them in on the secret DVD players. They were very impressed :) The screens did not help poor rear facing Jericho...he had a rough -scratch that- we ALL had a rougher drive home than we did out LOL

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