
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Let us try this again.

We had a pretty slow day here today. Played out in the beautiful sunshine, the kids had an EI visit, we ate a yummy BBQ dinner then hit the Little Gym class.

Hahahaha I love it when kids do something so totally funny yet have no idea. That sticker that he was putting over his mouth says "remove to access mute switch" LMAO!
I love our EI lady, she always includes all the kids even though she is really only here for Xan. I really like that she took the time to figure out what works for him. We tried a couple times to remove the other kids during his sessions and he was too worried about where they went and why he didn't get to go than paying attention. So now everyone is in on the fun, the games, the work. Even Jericho has learned to sit with the trio and wait his turn. Xander has really made a huge leap over the last 6 months...he is doing so amazing! Today one of the games she brought was a "fishing" game, the kiddos loved it!

Mmmm Mmmm good! The kids didn't much appreciate the bell peppers, that is OK more kabobs for me :), the pineapples were a huge hit!

OK Jericho, we are back at the Little Gym again. It has been 1 week since your second seizure, lets not have a repeat performance. I am happy that he behaved himself and there was no need to call 911 this week.

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