
Monday, May 14, 2012

A little company.

My friend Dina came over for dinner tonight, usually she brings her "Irish trio" and our kids have a loud and wild good time together. Tonight she came over solo, that is friendship people...she could of had a nice quite night of freedom but came to hang out with us instead :) It was a hot one today, but by dinner time our yard was shaded and perfect for a meal outdoors.

Before dinner the kids got booted outside so I could clean, as fleeting as it is I do try to clean LOL. Lily said "I am so sunny I have to wear sunglasses."

It was really hot, so they came in after a couple hours. How do you keep your house clean with 4 munchkins inside it....TV.

We tried to reintroduce the bar stools, I am tired of them being on lockdown in my kitchen. It seems though Jericho is not ready to leave them alone.
Don't you do it, I said NO.

Xander, my little Casanova. He was hanging on Dina's every word, tried to bring her flowers (hey a 3 1/2 year doesn't know a weed from a rose) and then copped a feel when he was giving her a sticker. Oh boy.
Yummy dessert time!

Jericho enjoyed every last bit of his :)

A little bed time story, iPhone style.
The trio picked these flowers and gave them to me. I had my rings off from when I was putting sunscreen on them. So I tried to get a little artsy...three flowers from the trio and their birthstone ring Jason bought for me. I obviously need work :)

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