
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Not again Jericho!

The day started off so great. Xander's EI lady, Colleen, came over this morning. One of the fun things she did with Xander, and of course she never leaves out the girls, was to make these little hats and decorate them. The kids LOVED them LOL, Lily looked like she was opening a gift on Christmas Hahaha.

Later the shit hit the fan, again. Those that know me in real life know that I am a bit spoiled, some might call it wussy, since they got mobile I have pretty much refused to take all the kids out by myself (other than quick school drop offs/pick ups.) I just haven't felt comfortable and worry too much about one or two of them running off or into a parking lot and having bad things happen. Now that they are almost 4 the triplets are really showing us that they can listen and be trusted, to a point. So tonight I nut up and take all 4 of my munchkins to The Little Gym by myself. As a that'll teach you, Jericho decides to have another seizure. We had been there for a good 40 min, he was playing and having a good time one min and the next I saw him lay himself down on the ground. I was sitting next to him talking to our friends Melanie and Beau, at first I thought he was playing around then I noticed he was staring off and then I noticed he was shaking. It was soft at first then got stronger, he shook for about 2 1/2 min then was kinda limp and out of it for another 3 or 4 min. I picked him up as soon as I saw him start to shake and held him on his side, I yelled for someone to call 911 and just rocked and talked to Jericho. I was freaking on the inside but held it together pretty well, I think since we just went through this a few months ago when he had his first seizure I knew what was going on and was not seeing this for the first time. I called Jason when he stopped shaking and worked out that he would get to the gym and Melanie and Beau would stay there with the kids until he got there if Jericho and I had to go to the ER. The paramedics arrived quickly, with a fire truck added in for good measure. Jericho was already coming back around when they got there, last time he was unresponsive for quite a bit longer, so it was nice to see him come back so quick. They stayed for about 10 or so min and made sure he was doing OK. We decided not to take an ambulance ride, since Jericho was acting pretty much normal by the time they left. We think it was fever induced again. He is not sick but has been running a mild-ish temp for the last couple of days (100-102) which we have been treating...he had a dose of meds about 3 1/2 hours before this happened. Not sure if the fever is from the dtap shot he got on Thursday or what. It will be off to the Pedi in the morning for this little boog, he is trying to kill me....between climbing up on everything and having fricking seizures he is trying to make my heart attack me.

About a half hour before Jericho tried to give me a heart attack. He doesn't look sick does he?


  1. Oh no! I'm so glad that he was okay. It sounds like you handled it as well as you could! Hoping it never happens again. . . .

  2. I sure tried...I hope so too! Thanks :)

  3. Poor little man. I am glad you knew what was going on and were able to handle it.

  4. Thanks Heidi! I guess the only good thing about it was that I had, unfortunately, seen it before.
