
Friday, May 18, 2012

Party dress shopping.

Make that party dress fabric shopping! I saw a rainbow dress that I just fell in love with for the girls to wear to their birthday party. It is a patchwork sundress...but at $72 dollars each they are a little pricey. I talked to my go to seamstress, AKA Grandma, and she was down for helping me with this project! The Potato Head costumes we made turned out, so hopefully we will have success again!

After spending 2 hours in a fabric store we came away with 22 different fabrics to the tune of $40, and should hopefully have enough to make 2 dresses! It was actually really fun looking through the fabrics, so I won't mind if we need to go back for a little more.

Up close look at the fabrics we picked. Top tier, red.
Yellow...anyone else know the Rainbow song from that Cat In The Hat episode? Can't get it out of my head LOL
In the end I am hoping to have two dresses that come close to this...ahhh I love Pinterest :)

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