
Friday, May 25, 2012

Picnic at the Falls!*

The rain that has been hanging around the last 4 or so days let up for a bit today. We packed up the kids, and a picnic lunch, and headed out to Multnomah Falls! It ended up being a beautiful day for playing outside.

We arrived right at lunch time, so grub was up first.

We had a little lunch guest.

After lunch we headed over to throw some rocks in a little creek.

Jericho wouldn't stay out of the water so he was put on restriction LOL.

The triplets ran into this fellow. Not sure what it is, but it was big and ugly.

Got them up on a giant tree log for a picture :)

I had to stay close to Jericho...Mr. No Fear was trying to just jump off.

A little dancing crazy fun.

Next we headed towards the Falls.

Just a min in and a nice couple that were walking by us told the kids about a banana slug just up the path. They had fun checking him out. Hayden said "Hi, my name is Hayden" LMAO.
We made it up a good ways, but as the drop off to the left was getting farther and farther down I was getting more scared. The trio are not 100%, they don't always listen nor do they always have their mind on their safety. I was starting to panic that someone was going to fall so we turned around and headed back down.

On our way back Hayden found a different Banana slug.

Jericho fell out of the ranks on our walk back to jump on some wood...silly boy.
A little more playing...Hi Dad!
On our way home the resident crankster, Lily, showed back up. Oh did she need a nap. She was having a 'no' yelling match with Jericho. He thought it was funny, Lily not so much. When she started getting really mad and yelling really loud I told her not to get mad at Jericho, 'no' is one of the few words he knows. Hayden then decided to chime in with "mom just give Lily a break." LOL. 

Back home, Lily decided she wanted to go camping :)

There she is, "camping" under her sheet :)

Outside, Haddie was having fun jumping on the trampoline. She is getting good!

Xander was helping Dad mow the yard, awww. Jericho had fun swinging...I can't believe he is 16 1/2 months and doesn't need a baby swing.

Everyone came in for dinner, and Lily Bug was back in a good mood and doing scenes from Madagascar LOL. This clip is 30 seconds of fun!

Pardon the mess, it has been a busy 3 or 4 days. Lily may be a tad hard to understand, she is saying pretty close to word for word
-We are gonna be o-kizzay.
-No Marty, we're not gonna be o-kiz-ay. Now, because of you, we're ruined!

-Excuse me, I fail to see how this is my fault.
-You're kidding, right Marty?
-You ticked off the people! You bit the hand, Marty! You bit the hand! "I don't know who I am! I don't know who I am? I gotta go find myself in the WILD!"

She is pretty good, they have only seen this movie one time over the last 3 or 4 months :)

One more check on our camper before bed. She insisted on sleeping in her tent tonight.

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