
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A picnic at the zoo.

Yes, this post has way too many pictures, I need to join a support group I know this. What can I say, my kids are flipping adorable and the animals were super active today. You shouldn't complain, I am the one who has to load all the damn pictures 3 at a time...ugh.

We spent a good 3 hours walking around the zoo with Auntie Amber and Cousin Hailee, the kids had such a great time.

Getting our picnic lunch ready, Jericho was helping with...making that stealing, the watermelon.

Checking out the Mountain Goats.
Hayden got worried about Lily and yanked her back :)
We tried out the zoo's rental stroller this awesome!

The girls were so excited to see Auntie Amber.
The Bear's were in fine form today. We have NEVER seen one up in the tree like this. Thank goodness that little branch there is so puny, it stretches to the bridge we are all standing on. I have a feeling the next time we go it will be trimmed back. That bear really was close.
Yeah did I say close, or what. I just have a crappy little point and shoot camera, he really is THAT close.

I see you!

It was musical chairs with the stroller. Hailee and Xander kept trading off, a couple time we had as many as 4 kids in this stroller hahaha.
The cougars also were right your face today!

You better not be plotting on my kids...I am a good shot.

Trying out the tractor.

A stop for lunch...what a group!

Back to the animals...and a little fetch with a Polar Bear. He brought this toy right to Hayden in the cool :)
Lily Bug getting tired. My handsome hubby...such a great Daddy.
The inside portion of the Orangutan area, you can see one down toward the bottom, she is 52 years old and has a grandson that also lives here!
Took another break, the kids were getting tired and cranky. Haddie loves Hippos :)
I love this statue, though I could not imagine dealing with two boob addicts like Jericho right now. LOL

Lily loves a hippo too!

The cute baby Elephant.

Jericho's turn :)

Awww <3

Xander was a bit trying today, silly boy.
Checking out some birds up close.
A little break to run off some energy.
I can't tell if Lily is tickling the baby Lion or if she is performing CPR hahaha.
On can see the two cheetahs laying in the grass by the small trees on the left.
In the Mongoose bubble :)

Calling Grandma he said.

When we got home the kids were beat...they took a rest on the couch and watched a My Little Pony.

Everyone really missed Uncle Skunk. He made it over for dinner after he got off work.

A Pinterest take on his fave dessert...German Chocolate cake bars!
German Chocolate Cake Bars
Recipe from Paula Deen

1 box devil's good cake mix (not the kind with pudding added)
1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, melted
1 large egg

1 (14 oz) can sweetened condensed milk (I used fat free and it was fine)
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 large egg
1 cup chopped pecans
1 cup shredded coconut (I used sweetened coconut)
1/2 cup milk chocolate chips

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Grease a 9x13 inch baking pan (I used non-stick cooking spray).
In a medium bowl, mix together the cake mix, butter and egg, and press into the bottom of the prepared pan. The crust should not come up the sides. Bake for 7 minutes and remove from the oven. The crust will not look done.
While the crust is baking, mix together the sweetened condensed milk, vanilla, egg, pecans and coconut. Pour evenly over the warm crust and sprinkle evenly with the chocolate chips. Bake for 24-30 minutes, until the top is a light golden brown. Remove from the oven and cool completely before cutting into squares.

We ate dinner out side, and then believe it or not the kids had more energy to get out.

Wow, I look tired HA.
Jericho showing off his daredevil side.
I was singing the theme from Mission Impossible as he was moving from chair to chair :) Then I made the mistake of clapping for him when he got to the next chair safely, so he had to get down and go do it again, and again, and again.

We ended the day with a baby Ladybug that Haddie found. She managed to not smoosh it, I got one pic just as it was about to fly away. Ah what a wonderful day!

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