
Monday, June 11, 2012

Check me out!

Who took her 4 kids under 4 out for a picnic lunch and fun in the park ALL BY HERSELF??? That's right, this girl!!! Go me :) I know, this is no biggie for most...but I have been dreading and putting it off for almost 4 years LOL. It went really great, even though Jericho doesn't quite get staying with the group yet. We were at the park for about 90 min, we had the place all to ourselves. Then out of nowhere 50 kids showed lie, I think they were from a near by school or church group or something. That was about 40 kids too many for me LOL so we headed home.

It was a beautiful day, it has been doing this on again off again thing with the weather...ugh.
Jericho was all over the place, the kids gross motor skills are amazing, seriously.

Lily seems to be over her dislike of slides again, the girls were going down forwards and backwards like pros. They kept asking me to watch them do their tricks LOL.

Jericho too, of course. NO FEAR what so ever. Makes a Momma nervous! You can see he busted his little nose the other day....yeah, no fear.
He walked up the slide about 20 times...he thought he was the shit LOL.

Talk about heart attack. Xander about killed me. He kept climbing on top of the monkey bars.

My future stunt man.

With his lil brother watching and trying to do everything he does. How is this boy only turning 4...he acts more like a 6 year old LOL.
Swing time...still not over the swings. I just wish they would learn how to pump their legs. I am sure that will happen....about when they are over swings Hehehe!

Back home, we did a little craft. One of the few that didn't really turn out. We painted little designs on construction paper with Q-tips dipped in baby oil. The kids had fun but the resulting product wasn't what I was going for.

Awww brothers that play hard together... <3

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