
Sunday, June 17, 2012

A day for Dad!

Happy Father's Day to the BEST Daddy ever! My children are so lucky to have Jason for a Dad! Of everything I will ever be able to, or hope to, give my kids, I think the Father I picked for them is the best I could ever have done for them!

Getting his store bought card when he got home from work this morning....grave shift blows LOL.

We spent all day playing outside so Dad could sleep.
Aww thanks sweet boy.

Another day of getting soaked.

The kids made Jason his personal cards outside. I got the idea from a friend to ask them a bunch of questions about their turned out super cute!
Then we came in and the trio helped me bake their amazing Dad some brownies.
Everyone got to help, Hayden got to put in the mushed half of a banana. Yup, Pinterest to the rescue. I happened to see a pin a few days ago about substitutes for things. I actually scoffed saying out loud to myself "who runs out of eggs?" Yup, I ran out of I went looking and found that half a mashed banana can replace a missing egg. It turned out good, you could taste the banana but I like chocolate and banana's so it was all good.

Check out sleeping beauty in the back LOL!

The girls ran off to play, Xander stuck around...I think he knew he who lasts the longest gets to lick the left overs LOL.
The cards and questions turned out so cute! The handprints were fun, again I found painting outside to be more work and mess.

On the inside I wrote the questions and answers and the kids painted dandelion like designs. The questions were their Dad's: Name, age, size, favorite TV show, favorite food & drink, favorite thing to do, what he likes to wear, what he is really good at, the kids fave thing to do with their Dad, what the kids like best to do with their Dad and what he does at work. The answers were pretty funny. I filled in their Dad's age, Hayden was the only one even close but she refused to believe he just turned one year older than she thought he was at his birthday a few days ago. All the kids just said "big" to the how tall is your Dad question. They were all off on his weight too, from he wishes to Daddy would be dead off LOL. Water and milk seem to be his fave drink. I could see how on a lot of the fave questions the kids inserted their own favorites. Lily said his fave TV show is Doc Mcstuffins LOL, she also said his fave food is cereal. Xander said fruit and Hayden said ribbies...which gave us the idea to have that very thing for dinner. Xan and Lily said his favorite thing is to go to the park and Haddie said it is to give horsey rides LOL. Xander said Jason likes to wear pants, Hayden said shorts, Lily said a jacket, but Jericho stole the win with underwear hehehe. For the "My Dad is really good at" question Xander said going to work, Hayden said being strong and Lily said reading books. When I asked them what they like it best that Dad does, Hayden said when he chases her, Xander said when he takes him to the beach and Lily said when he pushes her on the swings. Their favorite things to do with their Dad, Xander said play at the park, Haddie said play outside and Lily said color. Jericho said his fave thing to do with his Dad is to make a mess. And the final question, what does Dad do when he goes to work...Hayden just said he goes, Jericho said he misses me. Xander and Lily really made me laugh, Lily said he buys some food and Xander said he takes a nap LMAO! I really loved getting their different answers, was funny to see what things came to their minds :)

I made Jason a video montage as a Father's Day gift last year, I didn't make a new one this year but I wanted to share last years again!

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