
Sunday, June 3, 2012

Fun with other kids.

We had a birthday party to attend today, one of my friends "Irish" triplets :) turned 6!

Before we headed out I tried something new with the girls hair, turned out pretty cute.

The party was a lot of fun. The kids all got along great. I am never quite sure how the trio are around other kids, they spend so much time with each other. I love seeing them being able to go their own ways and let others in on their fun.

Xander of course wanted to play with the older boys.

Jericho was right on everyone's heels LOL.
Go Lily!

Jericho down the slide on his tummy :)

Hayden, Natalia and Lily. The three of them had such a great time together. Tali is such a cute lil peanut, she is a year older than the girls. The girls were in princess heaven when we all went back to my friends house and they all went to play in Natalia's room LOL.

Pile up on the slide, outta the way Jericho!

Like I said, Xan had to do everything the big boys did. I have a feeling I will be repeating that old saying "If your friends jumped off a bridge would you too?" Hmm I wonder what his answer will be.
He got up there all by himself...but called for us to help him down LOL.

Jericho was pulling some stunts today too. My boys ugh.

OK don't call CPS, I am including all the pics proving Jericho did this all on his own. I actually had to get him out and lock it closed so he would stay out hehehe.

Birthday boy, Jordan, and his Momma testing out one of his new toys :) Thanks for a great evening, gotta do it again soon!

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