
Friday, June 15, 2012

It is starting to look a lot like summer!*

We had another nice day today, shh don't tell anyone LOL.

The kids spent most of the day out in the back yard...being silly :)
Picking and eating any baby apples that they can get their hands matter how many times we tell them to wait for the apples to get bigger.
Lil man is picking up a lot of bad habits...oh well :)
Loving his new shirt, "Pick me up, I dig older chicks" LOL thanks Lisa!

The triplets are sporting their first Crocs...well knock off crocs anyway.

Don't worry Hayden, Lily will save you :)


We were making cupcakes and pancakes....Mmm Mmm good.

Followed by a little juice because we were "all out of milk."

Bug helped make dessert...she was so excited, and did a great job!
She even managed to make Jason and I laugh. This was about the point where she told me "Momma, that knife is wicked dangerous." LMAO!!!

Ready to pop in the oven!
Mr. no nap today, didn't make it through dinner hehehe.
I was getting the dishes loaded into the dishwash when I hear Xander trying to wake up Jericho. I was a little slow with the camera so I missed most of it but here are a few seconds of how a 3 1/2 year old tries to wake up his baby brother LOL.
 The dessert came out good...not my all time fave, but it was good.
Strawberry cream cheese cobbler!
 1/2 cup butter •1 egg, lightly beaten •1 cup milk •1 cup flour •1 cup sugar •2 tsp baking pwdr •1/2 tsp salt • 2 quarts strawberries, washed & capped • 4 oz. cream cheese, cut in small pieces.
-Preheat oven to 350 F. Melt butter & pour into a 9x13 baking dish. In a small bowl, mix egg, milk, flour, sugar, baking powder & salt. Pour over the butter, but do not stir. Add the strawberries & cream cheese pieces. Bake for 45 minutes, or until top is golden.

After dessert we decided to go back to the playground at the new school for a little bit.
The big kids got their first taste of Otter Pops. A lady was there with 4 year old twins and asked if the triplets could have some, the kids loved them of course.

Ah I love summer, I hope she sticks around a while!

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