
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

More rainbows.

Some more rainbow birthday craft fun today.

When you have a bunch of little kids playing in a big bounce house and swimming their little hearts out, a clear sign pointing to the bathroom is a MUST Hahaha. So the trio helped me make a sign out of colored buttons. Turned out pretty cute :)

Xander, Hayden and Lily helped me sort out the colors we needed...they did a great job!
I lined it up so the word would fit.
Everyone was very excited to glue the buttons on.

All done!

I got started on some tissue paper pom poms to hang up. Thanks Pinterest!

Xander and Hayden came out of their room telling me that they are Doctors and that they were ready for their first patient :) Loved the get up they put on all by themselves LOL.

They would make some cute Doctors :)

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