
Saturday, June 9, 2012

Party decorations underway!

We did a fun, yeah as long as you aren't doing more than 3, rainbow craft today that will help decorate Grandma's yard for Xander, Hayden and Lily's party. Seriously, what DID we do before Pinterest?

Before we got all crafty, the kiddos tried out their first game of BINGO. Pay no mind to the bath robes, the tub was their next stop. 
Like my makeshift markers? Mini hair ties...of course when I was putting the game back away I found the actual markers that came with the game.

Xander won the first game :)

Miss Lily Bug won the second game. By that point Mom had had enough LOL
Bring on the paper plates, tissue paper, cotton balls, paint and glue!
They were so excited :)

I cut the plain white paper plates in half and the kids painted them yellow. Could have bought yellow plates...but what's the fun in that LOL.
Once one side was dry, helped  along by the blowdryer, they painted the back side too. We made the front and back sides match.
I was informed that these were semi circles...such smart kids :)

Then I cut the edges making sun rays. Shoot me now for making 8 of these f'ers...I had plans to make 6 more, hell to the no!
Once the rays were cut we added a little gold paint to the rays. Then the gluing of the cotton ball clouds began. Make sure you attach your tissue paper rainbow strips to the back of the plate before you put on the back sides clouds.

Did I bitch yet about the tissue paper? I was wrong, cutting the rays was not even close to the suckiest part. Not only is that a lot of strips to cut, but I made the strips uneven...cutting straight has always been a problem for me LOL, so I had to go back over them again. In the end they turned out super cute and should look great at the party!

FYI: You can iron tissue I going to, not on your life LMAO!
Rainbow dresses ....check.
What is next....

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