
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

There's no trouble in a bubble.

The kids woke up excited this morning, I told them we were having some friends over after they got home from school. The trio work quite well on a reward system, be it food, new toy, fun event...they are never so cooperative until you have a bargaining chip LOL.

Xander was so excited he put his shirt on inside out and backwards, then he put his pants on his head...and finished the look off with his new medal. Let your freak flag fly Buddy :)

Our friends Lisa and Kenzie came over to hang out with us. Xander greeted them at the door, and then proceeded to go through their bags. Should a career in the custodial arts not work out for him I think he will be a shoe in for airport security LOL!
Look what I found.

Lisa and Kenzie were nice enough to bring their bubble machine. It was a HUGE hit...we need to get one of these! The kiddos were chasing bubbles all over, swinging their nets like they were playing slow motion tennis.

We did a little drawing with chalk.

My little artist, he was trying to put a giant hunk of chalk behind his ear. He finally got it to stay, but his face and ear got all chalked up LOL.

Kenzie got an introductory lesson on the trampoline, thankfully the bigs are used to watching out for Jericho so Kenzie didn't get hurt, even though she spent a lot of time down on the floor Hehehe.
Jericho invited Kenzie back to his place :)

Lily and Xander were keeping Lisa and I stocked with all the "lemonade" we could drink Mmmm.

Sweet boy, how ever did you get to be so cute and happy?!

Such a beautiful day!
Next we did a little painting. Believe it or not, painting outside is soooo much more messy.
Everyone had fun so, mess schmess :)

LMAO Lisa brought this shirt for Jericho...LOVE IT!!!

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