
Thursday, July 12, 2012

4 years of triple the fun around here!*

How has it been FOUR years already?!?! I wish I knew then how fast it all would go, I would have taken even MORE pictures and video...I actually think it's possible LOL. Xander, Hayden and Lily have made these last four years the most amazing of our lives. Happy Birthday my loves!!!

How about a little trip down memory lane :)

Here is some video of our first visits to see the trio in the NICU. Hard to believe my 40+ lb kids were ever so tiny.



The birthday kids had school today, they brought cookies for the class...and we thought it fitting for them to wear their March Of Dimes shirts with their birth info. Their teachers got a kick out of them, and had a few questions.

Most times people ask questions that they probably shouldn't, funny how they never think it odd that you are pretty much asking a total stranger about their sex life and reproductive ability when you start asking about how their kids came to be. Usually we are a bit more than annoyed by the questions of nosey people, but sometimes not. Since this is our life, our normal, I think we forget how not ordinary, yet, triplets if approached in a respectful way I sometimes don't mind answering some questions.

The new school is going great, we all liked the trio's last teacher, but their new teached is AMAZING. When we were leaving today all of my kids ran over to her and gave her HUGE hugs and kisses goodbye. I think she is equally as smitten with them...but what's not to love LOL.

Sakari came with us for pickup...Haddie did not freak out that G wasn't with us too. Though Mom and Dad DID freak the F out when we got home and found that Gangster had gotten into the trash while we were out.

On the way home Hayden was reminding us all how Ganster pee's...since she got to see him do it many times on yesterday's walk LOL.

Back home, Grandma came over to watch the kids while we did some last minute party shopping. She also brought the triplets a Birthday present.
The kiddos first real necklaces. Our LilyBug was given a cute little ladybug charm on a chain.

Jericho...just being a silly boy.

Xander got an "Eagle"...shhh don't tell him it's a hummingbird. Grandma searched high and low to find something manly. I am so glad she did, because he LOVED it and didn't want to take it off.
Miss Hayden got a lovely butterfly charm on her chain. She saw Lily open hers first and before she even openend her own box she was bitching and crying that she wanted a butterfly...lucky for everyone that that is just what Grandma got her.

Party...the BBQ at the party on Saturday is going to be goood! We also found a LITTLE something for the trio :)

The trio were big fans of their buddy Ted :)

Goodie bags DONE, thank goodness.

1 comment:


    We actually have one of those bears. The kids LOVE him. He sits in one of our chairs in the living room (because where else would we put him?) and the kids sit in his lap, pull him on the floor and use as a pillow, etc. Lots of fun.

    Enjoy the birthday festivities!!!
