
Friday, July 20, 2012

A trip to The Enchanted Forest!

We had a fun filled day at The Enchanted Forest, thanks Grandma for a great Bday gift for the trio. Uncle Scott, Auntie Amber and Cousin Hailee also came with us! The trio had a great time...they are so much bigger and were able to do so much more than our first trip here, a year ago! We spent 6 hours walking around checking out all the fairy tale fun spots, and the only meltdowns were from Lily Bug when she had to get off the rides and then when it was time to go home...not too shabby.

That is 4 excited little kids :)

They really enjoyed seeing all the characters, the girls even remembered a few of them from last year.

Jericho was pretty good, though the stroller cramped his style and didn't last long LOL.

I find it so interesting how the kids roles change from time to time. Right now Lily is our brave, try anything child...she blazed the trail most of the day. Xander, and especially, Hayden were little scaredy cats half the time. Thankfully Uncle Scott happened to have a flash light on came in handy many times LOL.

They have some really fun stuff here!
Jericho got to stretch his legs too, he had a blast!

Everyone took a couple turns going down the slide...Lily even went by herself!

The bigger 4 listened really well, Little Man kept us on our toes though.

Dad always has just as much fun as the they are headed into the caves :)
I see you Haddie!

We packed a picnic lunch, and took over one of the little cottage houses to eat in. The kiddos loved having their own house.

After lunch we caught a little theater show. It was so funny, lots of laughs out of the kids and adults alike.

Lily was so excited to see "Cinderella" however they did not follow close enough to the story line for her. I was waiting for her to jump up and say that Cinderella's whole look was wrong and she was supposed to be in white LOL.
She didn't know if she wanted to laugh or hide behind her brother. She did a bit of both.
Hayden was really into it, she and Xander both laughed and even answered the actors questions when they involved the audience.

Jericho did great too...he clapped a lot Hahaha!

The kids got to say hi on the way out...pretty cool :)

Then it was time for some rides! We let them do one of the kiddie rides, though Xan somehow managed to ride two of the kiddie rides, shhh don't tell his sisters. He picked the choo choo train, while the girls picked the bumper boats...but his line was much shorter.

Xan, Haddie, Lily and Hailee had a blast driving the boats together :)

Then we moved on to the big rides :) We did their little version of Splash Mountain first. As we stood in line we got to see others splash down the ride. I wondered if the trio would freak out and change their minds, but they didn't.

They got even more excited seeing other people slash down the coaster.
This ride lets 2 adults and 3 kids in one log so we all got to go together. Uncle Scott was nice enough to be on Jericho duty during all the rides...he has vertigo so he had no interest in the rides.
Here we go!!!

We all got a tad wet, even though we gave the kids the little rain poncho things. It was fun, so fun in fact Miss Bug had the first meltdown of the day....she didn't want to get off LOL!
Next we went on to their little Ice Mountain ride. We all did this one twice...and not just because Lily had another meltdown. This ride was 1 adult and 1 kid per car. I wondered why they were enclosed...I got the answer when it looked like we were going to hit everything we zoomed by. Crap!

Grandma and Lily off on ride one!
Jericho and Uncle Scott hanging out. We picked a great day to come was nice and warm but not hot.
On my first ride, me and Xan were up front. Hailee and Auntie Amber were in the car behind can kind of see them waving at the camera :)

We did a little more walking about...we were starting to lose the kids though, dinner time was getting close.

Last thing we caught was the 7 min water show.

Lily was having another meltdown but everyone else was happy and ready to go get some dinner at Red Robin. It was a great day!
When we got home a guy came by to see the trampoline, he brought his SIX BOYS who were like 3-16, they had it apart and out of the yard in no time. It was like watching a bunch of ants all work together to make short work of a big piece of food or something. What a team. Now we are on the hunt for a 14 foot tramp, with all 4 of the kids trying to jump at once our little 8 footer was just getting to be too small. Hopefully we can find one soon, the trio really miss theirs already :(


  1. Where is this at? I remember going to a similar place when I was a little girl in New York.

  2. Hi! It is near Salem Oregon. I have never been to NY, one day I hope to take a trip out there.
