
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Big Bada Boom!

It was a beautiful day...we have really lucked out the last couple of years!

I sent the kids outside to play while I finished up on the party stuff. I looked out the window to see the triplets making their little glider a toy for 3. I love when they all play together so nice :)

We were expecting a pretty full house, the kiddos were so excited to see Uncle Skunk, Auntie Amber, Cousin Hailee, Auntie Tia, Uncle Rick and Cousin Brandon.

Jason was grilling burgers and corn on the cob...with all the "fixings" as he busted out with. Of course we also had about 5 lbs of fruit, had to be sure the kids would have something they would eat LOL. Everything turned out pretty good, though I must admit it was not our best meal ever hehehe. When the burgers were almost done Jason not only discovered he had pretty much burned the corn inedible, but that we forgot to buy buns. Off he ran to the store. Then when everyone was serving up their plates we discovered that Xander must have cranked up the fridge because the potato salad was frozen...iced potato's anyone?? Then as a final 'This party will not be going down as the best in history' note, Jason put my 'Red, White and Blue' dessert together blue, red and white...ugh. Guess we will have to try again next year LOL.

Thankfully we had a huge amount of shit to blow up...that will save any party! We bought 3 "Perks" deals which basically had us spend $45 to get $90 worth of fireworks, pretty cool...but it gets better. Since we waited until July 3rd to buy the fireworks everything was at way way slashed prices. In the end was got about $250 dollars worth of pyro fun for $45! Score! I can not confirm nor deny the state of legality of said fireworks.

Our neighbor brought over a big bucket full of raspberries, Auntie Amber braved feeding the animals LOL.

Uncle Rick and Cousin Brando were a lot of fun for the kiddos :) They don't get to see them enough.
So cute!

Dinner and DRINKS...Momma may have had a couple, or 4 or 5 LOL.

Once again Jason and his co-pyro of the evening got started a little too early. Itchy trigger fingers on those two...of course they blame it on the kids.

Sparkler time...everyone did a great job!

Aww love my bro :)
Auntie Tia got her Jericho squeeze fill LOL.

The fireworks were pretty fricking awesome!
Not to over look the main meaning of today. There is a picture floating around FB of the American Flad and a group of soldiers. It says... "Home of the Free...Because of the Brave" So very true and we thank you all!

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