
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Glad we didn't go any bigger.

We decided a week ago that the kids need a bigger trampoline. We really didn't think long term when we bought them the 8 footer a year ago. The 4 of them almost didn't fit on it anymore, and they are doing nothing but getting bigger :P So we sold their old one this last Saturday and have been hunting on Craigslist for a 14-15 ft replacement. We ended up finding one for a great deal and got it put up today. I am so glad we did not try to go any bigger, this thing just was close.

Jason and I, with a little help from Jericho, got it put together while the trio were at school today.

Jericho was loads of help :)

He gave her a little test run...then almost fell right off, nice catch Dad!
We were trying to get the net up when the kids got home...Xander went right to work helping his Dad.

Wow, they look so small in there.

Big difference from their old one.
It was so hot today, 85 dang! The trio didn't jump too long, but they did get silly over in the shade.

My big boy, he has had a little bit of potty training success over the last couple of days. It is nothing like Hayden, she was pretty much trained in one day...but I do think he is getting it!!!!
Today was day 5 of the cleanse. I still didn't drop anymore weight, hopefully it's coming or I am not going to come close to the 10-17 they say you should lose. I haven't cheated it better pay off LOL. Today was our first taste of meat in 5 days and damn was it good! I didn't quite get all 6 tomatoes down but I did get at least half that. We get more meat tomorrow...YAY!

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