
Monday, July 2, 2012

New beds = kids off schedule.

First night in the bunk beds went OK, I guess. Xander was pretty upset that he didn't have a new bed, he was going to sleep on his mattress on the floor by the girls but after being up all night...we still heard them at like 1am, we came out this morning to find him fast asleep on the couch. Hopefully the craze wears off soon...they were not happy to have to get up early this morning, but they had hair appointments so off we went.

Always so much fun at Little Clippers!

Gosh Lily loves this treatment...the smile is fixed, until time to go.

Hayden did pretty good, still wanted to sit on Dad's lap but no crying this time!
Xander did great as usual.

Lily sitting in the Princess car, playing with a My Little Pony, watching The Little Mermaid and getting her hair did...she feels this day can not get any better LOL.

The stylist gave Bug cute little braids...why does it not look that good when I do it???
Next we killed a little time at IKEA!

Silly boy :)

The kids invented their own sit n stand strollers!

Hayden fell in love with this little night light dude. He changes colors and is just all around a cute little thing :) Of course we once again made the rookie mistake of only buying one. Two more are now on the list.

Night 2 went a little better. The trio were still up way too late talking and playing but, Xander stayed in the room...seems he and Hayden have decided to share her bed, and they like to sleep sideways on it LOL.

Lily is quite happy up in her bed too.

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